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Writer's pictureNerissa Malloy

Three Tips to Overcome, The Urge To Quit.

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Have you ever been really excited about starting a new venture and then lose the passion for it sometime later?  Did you get frustrated because you’ve been trying to be successful at something and just don’t seem to be able to get the goal you set?

Do you often think about just quitting?

We all deal with different forms of the quitting temptation on a daily basis, especially when it comes to rough times. That’s when we are tempted the most to give in and quit. It’s a constant battle but the victory lies in whether we act on it or not. Quitting always seem like the easiest thing to do. Folks are quick to quit their jobs, relationships, diets, goals etc. I call this the Quit Phenomenon.

Just know that at the moment when you want to quit the most, is the closer you are to reaching your goal. That moment of frustration and feeling like your actions are in vain is what prepares you for the victory. The struggle is what strengthens you, builds your character and appreciation for the win.

Here are 3 Tips to overcome the Quit Phenomenon:


Take time every day to motivate yourself and do  not expect anyone to do it for you. Motivation is internal. Whether it be through meditation, prayer, reading, listening, or watching motivational material, it will encourage you and remind you of why you need to continue to persevere. Motivation is key to avoid the temptation of giving up.


The people who you spend time with the most will influence your success so choose wisely. If the majority of your friends are quitters or people who give up often, it might be a good idea to look for new friends who will encourage you to do your best.  Seek mentors and business coaches that can hold you accountable and push you towards accomplishing your goals


When you feel like giving up, think about why you got started, reflect on  how far you have come and what you had to overcome to get there. You have already put in so much time and effort to get to this point, so why would you give up on your dreams now?

The secret to becoming a successful entrepreneur is keeping the motivation and drive to move forward, despite the obstacles or how you feel . You will find that following your dreams will become  much easier if you stay the course. It’s a constant fight on a daily basis but stay in belief, pray in faith and stand strong…’s closer than you think

Hang in there……Don’t Quit!!!!

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Stay Tuned……Until Next Time


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